A Note From Momma on Thanksgiving


Dear Lincoln,

The following is what your momma posted on Facebook on Thanksgiving.

Today I am thankful for all God has blessed me with. Though, I am saddened by how many are going to miss out on being with their families because Black Friday has taken over Thanksgiving. I’m thankful to instill in my son the importance of presence over presents. Time is fleeting, cherish your loved ones and give thanks for what God has already given. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving was a day of doing crafts with your momma, watching the parade on TV, napping, playing and a fantastic dinner prepared by Nana.  You and your momma spent the day just like she said, ” giving thanks for what God has already given.” I love your momma so much, she turned out pretty darn good.  Make sure you take care of her.

I love you little man, Puppa


New Years Eve in the ER

This gallery contains 8 photos.

Dear Lincoln, Now that inventory time is over at the store, (just ended yesterday) I thought I would catch up on some letters and photos to you. On New Years Eve Nana went up north to spend sometime with Great Grandma Boo and her sisters and your Daddy went up to visit his mom and […]

5 Fears Of Being A Father

My day-to-day activities don’t revolve around fear, but I am aware of the fragile nature of life.  I maintain a healthy respect for life and all the dangers that lurk around us everyday.  When I became a father, my responsibilities changed more than I could have ever imagined.  And with that responsibility came a great sense of accomplishment and pride. What scares me the most are things that can take that away.

Loss Of A Child

To this day, nothing in this world scares me more than the thought of losing one of my daughters.  I could not imagine living in a world without the amazing spirit’s of my daughters. They make my days brighter in every way imaginable. Without them, my world would have no inspiration, love or sunshine.  Everyday I am thankful because I am undeserving of such  beautiful and healthy daughter’s. I know there are many parents and children out there that are not so lucky. They battle life and loss to a degree that I can’t imagine and for that, they are much stronger than me. My heart goes out to any parent that has had to suffer the loss of a child.

Loss Of My Wife

Next to losing one of my children, losing my wife is one of my biggest fears. I never questioned my ability to raise my daughters alone, but losing my wife, their mother, would be devastating.  It would have affected the way I would be as a man and as a father. I feel very strongly about kids being raised in a house with a mom and a dad and my wife provides so much balance in my life and in my daughter’s life.  I couldn’t bear to see my children grow up without their mother. I couldn’t bear to see my grand children grow up without their grandmother.

Loss Of Interaction

There is nothing more magical in this world than being part of a child’s world and helping them grow up. When I was with one of my daughter’s and she was figuring out something for the first time or just having a good time, I would be beside myself with happiness. It became such a part of my daily routine that I couldn’t imagine not being there as she grows up.  Can you imagine never seeing your children open another Christmas present? learn to ride a bike? ace a test? graduate high school? get married?  I know some loss is inevitable as kids grow older and my role as father will change over time. Everyday when I dropped off my daughter’s at school I couldn’t help but think “What if I lose all this?”

Loss Of Love

I want my daughter’s to call me 20 years from now and still love their dad that same way they do now — Okay, they don’t love me as much as they love their mom but I don’t want to give them a reason not to love me.  My heart melts every time one of my daughter’s give me a hug or when they ask me to help them with something. I never want to lose that! I never want to give them a reason to never need or love their dad. I think this is another thing that dads have to work on.  Just like we do with our wives, we need to build our relationships with our children. We need to learn what they love, learn their fears and learn their dreams.

Loss Of My Self

People change…we all change. I don’t expect to be the exact same person 20 years from now as I am today. What scares me is the thought of loosing my sense of responsibility as a father to my daughter’s. If I lose my self then who will they turn to in times of need and hardship?  I don’t want to become apathetic about being a father. I never want to give up trying to become a better father for my daughter’s.

I’m not sure WHY you might give up trying to be a father – but that’s what scares me.

A Real Troublemaker

Growing up I was lost had no direction, a real troublemaker. Then one day I pushed things too far, drew on the wall with a crayon, was told not to. That was the day my luck ran out, got put into a timeout, 10 to 15 minutes mandatory time, thats hard time for a kid. Time I’ll never get back. So I prayed for forgiveness and Jesus entered my life and changed me forever. I still draw on the wall.

#1 Life Lesson

Dear Lincoln,

My number one life lesson is to “not take things for granted”, and I try to remind myself each day that this day was not guaranteed. I woke up, my kids are healthy, I have a good woman, I have a home, I put meals on the table. I’m not saying that I don’t need to do more in life. I’m saying I darn well better be grateful, and if I don’t shake hands and say thank you to God, it’s gonna keep other good things from coming into my life.

I love you little man, Puppa

2 Year Anniversary

Dear Lincoln,

Today is your Momma and Daddy’s 2 year wedding anniversary.  The following is the wedding vows I wrote for your parents.


You are not the air that I breathe,

You are the sweet scent that drifts upon it

You are not the sounds that I hear,

You are the music of my life

You are not the food that I need,

You are the nourishment of my soul

You are not my will to survive

You are my reason for living

It is with you that I experience the wonders of the world

It is with you that I triumph over the challenges in my path

It is your partnership that will lead me to the fulfillment of my dreams

It is your friendship that guides me as I grow and learn

It is your patience and wisdom that calms my restless nature

It is through you that I know my true self

I do not take you for granted,

I cherish you

I do not need you,

I choose you

I choose you today in witness of all the people who love us

I choose you tomorrow in the privacy of our hearts

I choose you in strength and weakness

I choose you in health and in sickness

I choose you in joy and sorrow

I will choose you, over all others, every day for all the days of my life

The Me Hoe Song

Dear Lincoln,

When I used to work late at night your Nana would get your mom and Aunt Carlee ready for bed, and they would stay awake in their beds until I got home and tucked them in and said their prayers with them.  This nightly ritual included having to sing them a song or two. One such evening they wouldn’t rest until I sang the Me Hoe song, which I had no clue about. So I made something up, but it wouldn’t do. All that would work was the song that ended “coming for to carry Me Hoe”.

Lincoln you are so much like your Momma

I love you Lincoln, Puppa

Reflecting on a Sunday Morning

Dear Lincoln,

It’s Sunday morning and as always I’m in that reflective mood.  Today I’m thinking about your Great Grandpa Buck.  Great Grandpa Buck is Nana’s dad, my father in-law, and best friend.  I thought today would be a good day to share with you something I wrote about him back in 2008.  That year I wrote a book titled Lake Effect for the family for Christmas.  As you grow up you will learn the impact Great Grandpa Buck had on my life.

The following was the dedication I wrote for the book.

Dad you are the main element of how I have become me. I think things through, long and hard, before I make a decision. Once the decision is made, I stick by it and make the best of the situation.  Because of you, I know the value of a dollar and how hard it is to earn it.  You love unconditionally.  I’ve messed up my life so many times and you were always there to love me anyway.

You are always there with advice when I need it.  And, you always know when to back off. You will drop everything to come and help me or rescue me out of a situation.  Whether it be car trouble or the police calling (of course the police thing has never happened-but I’m sure you would still be there).  At times, you made me take a hard look at myself which sometime hurt, but as I have grown up, I realize it was for my own good and I respect you for that.  

You are generous beyond what most people would consider generous.  You will give your last $20 if someone needed it.  Even though your very manly, you have not been afraid to show your emotions.  I’ve seen you laugh and I’ve seen you cry.  Your tears shot through me like an arrow and I realized how much you loved your family and didn’t want to see anything bad happen to them. You encourage me to the point that it makes my heart smile. When I’m hungry you will feed me, when I’m crying you will listen to me through my tears, when I screw up you don’t say I told you so.  Your always ready with a ear to bend.  

You have worked to give your family a good life, and you have never really wanted for anything.  You never complained.  You put everyone else first, yet you know how and when to say NO. Okay, I’m still trying to learn to do that with my girls, so it’s a virtue of yours I am nowhere near a master of.  My complete love and loyalty toward my family was learned from the lessons you taught. Because of the husband and father you are and have always been-I knew exactly what kind of man to be: honest, loyal, gentle, carrying and with a slightly odd sense of humor.  You are quite the role model. Notice how my marriage to your beautiful daughter is still strong and romantic after over 28 years?

What I’m trying to say dad-without you……… there would have never been a me.


As always, I love you Lincoln, Puppa.